Bylaws & DocUMENTS
Bylaws and Deed Restrictions
Our bylaws are an administrative document that apply to all property owners in Wornall Homestead. They cover topics such as membership in the homes association, the Board and its duties, as well as meetings and voting rights. You can review Wornall Homestead’s bylaws here.
Wornall Homestead Homes Association is comprised of various subdivisions in Kansas City and is collectively referred to as Wornall Homestead. Perhaps confusingly, one of the subdivisions within the collective Wornall Homestead Homes Association is also called Wornall Homestead.
The subdivisions within Wornall Homestead were each originally platted with their own set of restrictions. From records provided by the Homes Association of Kansas City, we have the original Deed Restrictions for each of these subdivisions in our area along with the original Wornall Homestead Homes Association Agreement. These have been highlighted to show key planning requirements and are provided for member information as a historical reference only. Even though these requirements have expired, they did offer guidance in forming the Wornall Homestead Overlay District’s requirements. Please see more on that below:
Wornall Homestead Homes Association Original Agreement: This document is for the Association’s original establishment, not for the the deed restrictions applying to Wornall Homestead Homes Association and its separate subdivisions.
Separate Subdivisions: Rockhill Heights | Cockins’ Addition | Randall & Wheelock’s Addition | WH Blocks 1-4 | WH Blocks 5-7 | WH Blocks 8-10 | WH Blocks 11-13 and A

WH Overlay District
The establishment of the Wornall Homestead Overlay (WHO) District was approved by the City Council on August 3rd, 2017 and went into effect on August 13th. Drawn from existing zoning requirements, previously written deed restrictions, current built conditions and new criteria as formulated through input and consensus with the members of WHHA, this ordinance provides requirements for remodeled and new homes that are intended to assist in preserving the character of our neighborhood without being unduly restrictive. We urge all our members to become familiar with its content.
The approved Wornall Homestead Overlay District regulations, boundary map and official City Ordinance can be viewed here.
Our first neighborhood survey was completed in 2017. Over 100 responses were compiled and analyzed with the assistance of UMKC’s Center for Neighborhoods. View the survey results here.

Physical and Image Plan
Please find a copy of our plan here. The plan was approved by residents previously and the Board has been acting in accordance with it since then.

Rental Properties
The Wornall Homestead is in a Historic Overlay District which has additional restrictions to Kansas City’s short term rental ordinance, the Board would like to provide up to date information to homeowners who may wish to rent out all or part of your property in our neighborhood.
Please review the attached document here for more information.

Sweetgum Q&A
Wornall Homestead has an abundance of sweetgum trees that many residents are curious about. Most were planted by the city's Forestry Department in the 1970s
Please review our Q&A document about sweet gum trees here.